Table of Contents
Science and Engineering
The scoring quality of astronauts' sleeps using Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) during microgravity effect in the International Space Station (ISS) | |
Wahyu Sasongko Putro, Richelle Evelyn Lestari | 1-3 |
Fuzzy Logic Control Design for Leader Follower Method Using Zigbee Communication Module | |
Lisa Anjani Arta, Suwandi Suwandi, Ahmad Qurthobi, Abrar Ismardi | 4-9 |
Conceptual Framework for Knowledge Sharing Initiative in Institution of Higher Learning to Enchance The Teaching Performance and Innovation | |
Mohammad Norhadi Muda, Zawiyah M Yusof | 10-16 |
A Model of Green Value Stream Mapping for Rubber Based Automotive Products | |
Dewi Auditiya Marizka, Taufik Djatna, Yandra Arkeman | 17-23 |
Northern Terengganu Integrated Development Project (IADA KETARA) Impact Assessment on Paddy Farming Sustainability | |
Muhammad Yasar, Chamhuri Siwar | 24-28 |
Proportional Control Design on Mobile Robot for Leader Follower Formation Using ZigBee Wireless Communication Module | |
Riswandha M Maulana, Suwandi Suwandi, Abrar Ismardi, Ahmad Qurthobi | 29-37 |
Development of Multimedia Interactive Module for Learning Adobe Photoshop CS4 | |
Andi Putra, Elvi Syamsyuir, Nabilah Filzah Mohd Radzuan | 38-42 |
Availability Improvement Methodology in Thermal Power Plant | |
Henry Pariaman, Iwa Garniwa, Isti Surjandari, Bambang Sugiarto | 43-52 |

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