The scoring quality of astronauts' sleeps using Fuzzy C-Means (FCM) during microgravity effect in the International Space Station (ISS)
For successful health programme of Japanese astronauts during space activity in the International Space Station (ISS), we looked into the sleep quality of astronauts by using Fuzzy C-Means (FCM). At the first step, we collected observation data by following sleep schedule of astronaut Noguchi for fifteen days (26 July 2005 to 9 August 2005) during STS-114 spaceflight. The Fuzzy C-Mean (FCM) was used to design the score quality of astronauts' sleeps. We defined three condition of sleep quality (e.g. sleepy, sleep, deep sleep) with the minimum score (zero) and maximum score (nine). Based on the preliminary result, we found that the minimum sleep score of astronaut Noguchi was from 7 to 9 August 2005 which was due to landing process and the maximum sleep score we found was later than 27 July 2005 during docking on ISS.
International Space Station (ISS), Fuzzy C-Means (FCM), Scoring, and Sleep quality.
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