Table of Contents
Social Sciences and Economics
The Role of Social Capital on Salt Small holder Society of Madura Indonesia in Land Certification Ownership | |
Ihsannudin Ihsannudin, Dwi Ratna Hidayati, Bertus Sumada, Sukmo Pinuji | 144-151 |
Integrating The Character Education in Local Cultural Wisdom: A Concept in Developing A 2013 English Curriculum in Local Literary Works | |
Febria Sri Artika | 152-158 |
The Analysis of Health System in Malaysia and Indonesia | |
Budi Arsih | 159-168 |
The Impacts of Agricultural Development on Shifting the Pattern of Distribution Land Tenure in South Sulawesi | |
Suardi Bakri | 169-175 |
The Study of Economic and Social Karst Region East Kutai Regency | |
Justina Ade Yudiarni, Irwan Irwan | 176-180 |
Level of Resilient Among International Students in Public Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia | |
Mhd Subhan, Salleh Amat, Abu Yazid Abu Bakar, Mohd Hakimie Zainal Abdidin, Roslina Ahmad Faisal, Tohirin Tohirin, Ame Husna Kamin | 181-188 |
Factors Influence The Accounting Information Application in Suci T - Shirt Centre Bandung, West Java, Indonesia | |
Galuh Tresna Murti, Teti Sumarni, Rakhmini Juwita | 189-199 |
Psycho Religious Theraphy Through Prayers and Dzikir in Islamic Psychology Perpective | |
Afrinaldi Afrinaldi, Ruslin Amir, M Arif | 200-205 |

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