Integrating The Character Education in Local Cultural Wisdom: A Concept in Developing A 2013 English Curriculum in Local Literary Works

Febria Sri Artika


The focus of the paper is to integrate the character education in local cultural wisdom by developing the teaching material by teaching the local literary works to the students. The new 2013 curriculum refers to competence-based, operationally integrating the four aspects of competence: religious values, attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Therefore, in 2013 curriculum, the competence in English as subject matter defines in larger domains. It does not only cover knowledge (competence) and skills (performance), but also cover moral education (religious values and attitudes). Based on the research it is found that the literary works can convey moral messages either implicitly or explicitly. By appreciating the short stories, novels, folklore, and poetry, which is integrated with the local cultural wisdom, the teacher can shape the character of learners, so the literature is able to play the role. The values of honesty, kindness, friendship, brotherhood, family, sincerity, sincerity, togetherness, and others related to character education can be applied to students through literature. Thus, this concept will not only develop the character education of the students but also their knowledge and skill. It is expected that the teachers can use and develop the teaching material by giving the local literary works to the students which will help them to get more understanding related to character value


2013 English Curriculum; Character Education; Local Cultural Wisdom; Local Literary Works

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