Level of Resilient Among International Students in Public Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia

Mhd Subhan, Salleh Amat, Abu Yazid Abu Bakar, Mohd Hakimie Zainal Abdidin, Roslina Ahmad Faisal, Tohirin Tohirin, Ame Husna Kamin


This research aims to know the definite level of resilience among International students in public higher education institutions in Malaysia. Resilient is the ability of an individual able to adapt in faced the trouble, so it can be calm and rise of trouble faced and rediscover the spirit, strength and the reality purpose. The study was carried in the form of survey. This study used a questionnaire is demographic information and brief resilient scale. Cronbach alpha values brief resilience scale this score of 0.80. The sample of international students in public higher education institutions in Malaysia and the sample of the student are 120 students randomly selected as respondents in this study. The data were analysed using t-test, Pearson correlation and One Way ANOVA. The results of this study showed that was not significant difference level of resilient based on gender and program of study. In addition, the factor of marital status shows significant difference between levels of resilient among international student based on marital status. While, there is significant correlation between level of resilient with age. The important of study was conduct to identify the extent level of resilient among international students to get excellent academic result. The study found that the level of resilient among international students in public higher education institution in Malaysia have level of resilient is medium. As result, Master and PhD students are categorized with medium level and Bachelor students are categorized with low level resilient.


Level of Resilient; International Students; Public Higher Education Institutions

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