The Analysis of Health System in Malaysia and Indonesia

Budi Arsih


Health service is the one of an important yardstick will be the progress and stability of a country. This is a descriptive, qualitative study using the social-legal approach. Secondary data obtained through the study of documents from both countries are examined. According to WHO, health care systems are better able to deliver quality services to its citizens, whenever needed. The system should also have a sound financial mechanism; human resources trained and paid accordingly; sources of reliable information as a basis for decision-making and policy formulation as well; Infrastructure and logistics facilities and supervised both for supplying medicines and medical technology quality. Of the fact that in practice it is not easy to reverse many hands like a reverse tepalak tantantangan and challenges occur. In this study the authors will show what happens challenges in creating a health care system in Malaysia and Indonesia. The method used in this study the authors try to use research methods and sociological analysis sosaial approach in conducting the study. The findings obtained a conclusion of the effort is not easy but of good intentions and good preparation of all aspects of the course will be beneficial for society.


Poverty; Health Systems; the financial mechanism

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