The Use of Lightning Data for Convective Rainfall Estimation

Deni Septiadi, Widada Sulistya, Suko Prayitno Adi


The objective of this study is to analyse electrification processes in the convective clouds. The intensity of lightning could characterized by three stages of thunderstorm’s life i.e. cumulus, mature and dissipation. First analysis focused on the relationships between lightning and rainfall. To accomplish this goal, a Storm Tracker Lightning Detector was used in the study area for detecting cloud-to-ground lightning (CG). The lag-time between the peak of CG lightning and the peak of rainfall are also being our focus. The results show that surface rainfall tends to follow the lightning (positive lag-time) ±15 minutes after the peak of CG lightning. The index of lightning (L-Index) created to analyse the possibility of heavy rainfall/extreme (>50 mm/day) in 15 minutes ahead, by considering the rainfall categories and normalization of data (from 0 to 1). L-Index of 0 - 0.5 indicating potentially occurs of slight rainfall to moderate rainfall with the intensity of 5-10 mm/hours; and L-Index >0.5 potentially occurs heavy rainfall to extreme rainfall with the intensity > 10 mm/hours.


CG lightning; lag-time; L-Index; rainfall

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