Table of Contents
Science and Engineering
The Management of Vegetable Cultivation to Protect the Consumer from Heavy Metal Pollution | |
Hening Widowati, Kartika Sari, Widya Sartika, Sulistiani Sulistiani | 152-155 |
An Experimental Investigation on the Effects of Forming Temperature and Sintering Schedule to the Final Characteristics of Fe92Cu7.5Al0.5 Powder Compacts | |
Md Mujibur Rahman, M A Ismail, H Y Rahman | 156-161 |
Antioxidant Activity of Extract and Fractions from Coffee arabica L. Leaves by DPPH Radical Scavenging Method | |
Mauizatul Hasanah, Hilma Hilma, Puguh Suwasono | 162-165 |
The Use of Lightning Data for Convective Rainfall Estimation | |
Deni Septiadi, Widada Sulistya, Suko Prayitno Adi | 166-171 |
In-Silico Study of Novel Folate Analogues as Anticancer which Inhibits Dihydrofolate Reductase | |
Didy Yoga Lucky Prayoga, Romdani Achmad Septiawan, Erwin Jingga, Prima Alifian Hergaputra, Erwin Chandra Christiawan, Rebhika Lusiana, Rendha Kusumaning Kristiwi, Siswandono Siswandono | 172-175 |
The Formulation of Pineapple Liquid Waste (PLW) as Liquid Organic Fertilizer for Agricultural Crops | |
Agus Sutanto, Suharno Zen, Rasuane Nor | 176-181 |
A New PAPR reduction Technique based on Precoding and Gamma Companding Technique for OFDM system | |
R.S. Rajesh, G. Tamilselvia, T.Ananth kumar, P. Sivananainthaperumala | 182-186 |
Graphene MEMS capacitive microphone: highlight and future perspective | |
Rahmat Zaki Auliya HM, Mohd Anuar Md Ali, Mohd Syakirin Rusdi | 187-191 |
Inverter Model and Control Strategies for Single-Phase Rooftop Photovoltaic in Unbalance Three–Phase Residential Network | |
M. Basyir, Salahuddin Salahuddin, Nelly Safitri | 192-196 |

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