The Management of Vegetable Cultivation to Protect the Consumer from Heavy Metal Pollution

Hening Widowati, Kartika Sari, Widya Sartika, Sulistiani Sulistiani


Since heavy metals are potentially accumulated within vegetable organs, this research is conducted to identify those metals and their effects on the nutrient content. Two-Ways Analysis of Variance determined the effect of various location, vegetables, and vegetable organs towards metals. One-Way Analysis of Variance determined the effect of locations and fruit type on metals uptake. It is followed by examining heavy metals accumulation within edible parts of vegetables and its effects on protein, vitamin A and C. The Randomized Group Design of 3 factors (media, distribution, and vegetable organs) is employed considering 3 different harvesting times harvesting and cultivation adjustment (trimmed or not trimmed). The 3 factors Covariant Analysis defined the influences of media, time and way of harvesting on protein, vitamin A and C of water kangkoong stem and leaves. The results showed a significant influence of various areas (paddy field, industrial area, and highland) on Cd, Cr and Pb uptake within stems, leaves and fruits. Generally, the period and way of harvesting significantly influence the heavy metals uptake, level of protein, vitamin A and C, Mg and chlorophyll of water kangkoong. It is suggested to prune and harvest vegetables earlier to minimize heavy metals uptake and nutrient degradation.


management of vegetable cultivation; consumer protection; heavy metals pollution

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