Table of Contents
Social Sciences and Economics
Opportunities of Indonesia to Export Halal Meat to the World: The Analysis Using RCA Index | |
Muhammad Jahdul Fahmi, Bambang Prasetio | 282-286 |
The Effectiveness of Environmental Legislation In Bogor, Indonesia | |
Bambang Prasetio, Muhammad Jahdul Fahmi | 287-290 |
The Trace of Minangkabau-Wise in Malaysian Language | |
Aslinda Aslinda, Noviatri Noviatri, Reniwati Reniwati | 291-295 |
Developing Cooperation Skill (Soft Skills) Through Implementation of Cooperative Learning Method and Experiential Learning in Psychology Entrepreneurship Course | |
Lala Septiyani Sembiring, Yantri Maputra, Afrinaldi Afrinaldi | 296-299 |
Knowledge and Attitude of Lecturers Toward Usage of Multimedia in Teaching | |
Rinaldi Rinaldi, Mohd Isa Hamzah, Norazah Mohd Nordin | 300-302 |
Kinship Social Capital and Entrepreneurship Development: A Comparative Study For Internal And International Migrant of Minangkabau Ethnic | |
Fitrimawati Fitrimawati, Madeline Berma, Faridah Shahadan, Mohd Fauzi Mohd Jani | 303-313 |
The Impact of Public Policy Implementation and Governor’s Leadership Toward The Effectiveness of Human Development Program Acceleration in West Java | |
Teten Ali Mulku Engkun | 314-328 |
Failure of Bottom-Up Implementation: A Case Study the Improving Welfare Program in West Java | |
Teten Ali Mulku Engkun, Kartini Aboo Talib Khalid | 329-336 |

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