Table of Contents
Science and Engineering
Performance Analysis of AC Alternator 115/208 Volt, 400 Hz, 12 kVA of Fokker-27 Aircraft | |
Harry Ramza, Fitrianto Ali Ngimron, Faizar Abdurrahman, Roer Eka Pawinanto, Malik Sulaiman, Mohammad Syuhaimi Ab-Rahman, Yohannes Dewanto | 102-107 |
Characteristics of FeCuAl Powder Compacts Sintered at Different Schedules | |
M M Rahman, H Y Rahman, N. H M Zabri | 108-111 |
The Relationship Between PEM Fuel Cell Performance and Liquid Water Formation in The Anode and Cathode | |
Mulyazmi Mulyazmi | 112-121 |
Design of Brush DC Motor’s Speed Controller Using PI Method with Adjusted Hydrogen Fuel Feed on The PEMFC | |
FX Dwiyanto Meas, Suwandi Iskandar, Reza Fauzi, Abrar Ismardi | 122-128 |
A PLC Based Searching and Data Logging in Warehouse Systems | |
Fadli Sirait, Muhammad Aidil Putra | 129-132 |
Comparison of Several Fusion Rule Based on Wavelet in The Landsat ETM Image | |
Muhammad Ilham, Khairul Munadi, Sofiyahna Qubro | 133-139 |
A Study of Application for Production Machine Operation Manufacturing Company in Indonesia | |
Syukriah Syukriah | 140-143 |

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