Perspective of Teacher in Dumai-Riau Indonesia Suitability National Examination as A Picture Quality Student

Arif Murti Rozamuri, Nur Riza Mohd Suradi


The national test is one method that is chosen by the Indonesian government to determine the stage and picture quality of education in Indonesia. However, in reality the national exam is also used as a measure for the condition continue to the next level of education. Various views on the implementation of the national exam. Who wants to be a teacher in the city is the perspective that is, in the Sma Dumai Ykpp (private) and Sma Binsus (government) on the implementation of the national exam subjects / material in the national exams. The method chosen is by using a questionnaire. The study subjects were obtained is carried out by teachers in the city of Dumai less effective or appropriate.


Teacher; National Examination of Indonesia; Middle School of Indonesia

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