The Empowerment of the Poor in Indonesia Using Posdaya Model

Nedi Hendri


Various poverty alleviation programs implemented by the government is conceptually used the concept of empowerment. Whiles it cannot be said that these programs have been successful mainly related to community empowerment. To improve the welfare of society, required the participation of the synergy between government, civil society and the private sector. The aim of this study is to dissecting the empowerment Posdaya model that occurred in Indonesia. This study used descriptive qualitative research method. Research found that Posdaya is a free movement to revive the social capital and revive the culture of mutual cooperation in the community and caring between neighbours in building a family life, carried out independently and is open to partnerships to the independent community. Currently the number already successfully established in Indonesia around 44.571 Posdaya widely distributed in more than 300 districts / municipalities in 25 provinces of Indonesia. Posdaya built as a forum to develop an integrated dynamic empowerment activities, namely the development of empowerment for all family members combined with interrelated. The aim is that the leadership of the family know the complete role and function as a single unit intact family. Finally the head of each family and its members can remind each other to empower all family members independently.


empowerments; family; model; poor; posdaya

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