In-Silico Study of Novel Folate Analogues as Anticancer which Inhibits Dihydrofolate Reductase

Didy Yoga Lucky Prayoga, Romdani Achmad Septiawan, Erwin Jingga, Prima Alifian Hergaputra, Erwin Chandra Christiawan, Rebhika Lusiana, Rendha Kusumaning Kristiwi, Siswandono Siswandono


Dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) has an important function in folic analogues biosynthesis which is used as nutrition for cells. In a specific cancer cell, DHFR has bigger expression than normal cells therefore it is good candidates as target to cancer chemotherap. In this research the screening have been done to 10-N-(4’-bromobenzoyl) folic acid and 10-N-(p-toluoyl) folic acid by in silico method. The result of molecular docking shows that those two compounds have more stable interaction than other DHFR inhibitors (methotrexate) but those two compound do not follow the Lipinsky’s rule of 5 which is affected to its bioavailability.


Cancer; DHFR; In-silico; Folate analogues

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