East Lampung district included in the category of regions whose economies are still based on agriculture. Although the contribution of the agricultural sector is dominant in the formation of GDP, but the sector has not been able to increase the acceleration of the growth of other economic sectors, and provides a multiplied effect is relatively small. To optimize the role of each sector of the economy, the necessary planning of local economic development potential based on local resources. The aim of this study are (1). Identifying and mapping sectors base has a multiplied effect on the growth of other economic sectors, (2). Measuring changes in the contribution of each sector of the economy, and (3). Planning local economic development potential. This study used quantitative research method. Research found that based on the results of the analysis of LQ, which became the basic sector in the economy of East Lampung district for the period of 2010 to 2014 consists of three sectors, namely Agriculture, Mining and quarrying and Trade Sector, Hotels and Restaurants. Based on the shift share analysis, increased absorption of the workforce more in tune by the development of Agriculture, Mining and Quarrying Sector and Trade Sector, Hotels and Restaurants. Sedangka sectors that are considered to have low competitiveness which is indicated by a minus sign in the shift differential was Mining and Quarrying Sector Electricity, Gas and Water, Building Sector, Transport and Communication Sector, Financial Sector, Real Estate and Business Services as well Notably, services. Klassen typology, sector categories entered in Quadrant I is Agriculture and Trade Sector, Hotels and Restaurants; Sectors included in Quadrant II is the Mining and Quarrying sector; and the sectors included in Quadrant IV is the Manufacturing Sector, Sector Electricity, Gas and Water, Construction Sector, Transportation and Communication Sector and Financial Sector, Real Estate and Business Services. In order to plan the development of the economic potential of East Lampung, needs to optimize the potential of Agriculture, Mining and quarrying and Sectors Trade, Hotel and Restaurant, in order to obtain productivity and high added value and positive impact in driving the growth of other economic sectors.
Location Quotion; Shift Share; Tipologi Klassen; Local Economic Development
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