Journal of Multidisciplinary Academic (JoMA) was founded in 2014. This journal provides a venue for academics, scholars, and practitioners from a variety of sectors to communicate their knowledge, ideas, and discoveries. We are great believers in the value of multidisciplinary collaboration and the necessity of cultivating a comprehensive grasp of complicated situations.
Many difficulties in today's linked society necessitate methods that cross traditional discipline boundaries. Our publication strives to stimulate cross-pollination of ideas, inspire new thinking, and develop a complete knowledge of complicated phenomena by bringing together specialists from many domains.
Many of the initial members were not practicing science, but after the dues were raised from $0 to $2 in 2015, the social hobbyists began dropping their membership, and the Society moved toward a membership made up primarily of professionals in the field as Multidisciplinary academics.
The role of the Society as a scientific and professional group serving the Multidisciplinary sciences, which was established so well in the first few decades of the Society's history, has continued to the present. The JoMA now publishes in print and online ten well-respected scientific journals and an abstract journal.
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Vol 8, No 1 (2024): Science, Engineering and Social Science Series
Table of Contents
The Level of Green Manufacturing Implementation Using SWOT Analysis in The Local Garment Creative Industry in Bandar Lampung | |
Sillak Hasiany, Arif Setiajaya, Nabila Putriyandri Alifa, Intan Andriani Putri, Anissaa Siti Zulaicha | 1 - 6 |
Analysis of Proper Assessment Results on Palm Oil Liquid Waste Management on Water Pollution Control Aspects at PT. XX | |
Bambang Prasetio, Aulia Annas Mufti, Alfian Zurfi, Dinda Fajar Utami, Erlina Kurnianingtyas | 7 - 10 |

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
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