Guidance and Counselling: A Comparison between Indonesia and Malaysia

Sitti Ummi Novirizka Hasan, Caraka Putra Bhakti


Education is an important aspect in the life of a country. It is so crucial that people even see it as a benchmark to measure the development of a country. Basically, education helps people to develop themselves in accordance with their nature, to choose the right direction in line with their potential, and to bring a diverse development towards the same goal as the human nature to become a whole person. To make real those functions of education, we need a system of education service in the education unit which relies not only on service-learning subjects/fields of study, but also on the special services which characterize psycho-education, i.e. service of guidance and counselling. The provision of guidance and counselling service cannot be separated from various factors. One of them is environment. Therefore, the provision of guidance and counselling service are different between one place to another place. It is influenced by several factors such as socio-cultural, environment, history, and so on. This article presents a comparison guidance and counselling between Indonesia and Malaysia, provides the history and development of guidance and counselling, issues and trends of guidance and counselling, guidance and counselling models, and the implementation of guidance and counselling models between both of the countries.


Comparison; Guidance and Counselling; Indonesia; Malaysia

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