The Developing Pattern of Emotional Quotients by Teacher in Teaching

Yanti Maputra, Winbaktinur Winbaktinur


Teaching and learning process at school should build any competence who student required, whether hard skill or emotional intelligence. Many students are competent in hard skill but weak in self-character. Character improvement need to apply in learning process at class. Emotional quotients education are able to integrated through fun learning, students don’t feel a pressure, comfortable in attending a lesson so good knowledge, skill and attitude are expected to reach. This study is aiming to investigate to see description of teacher point of view about activity done by teacher in teaching learning process at class to improve students’ emotional intelligence. The study utilizes qualitative approach which use case study towards 22 school teachers in Sijunjung, Indonesia. The data collection use guided interview, and data analysis conducted tematically by using Nvivo version 7.0. The result of the study describes that generally teachers who involve in this study yet conduct emotional intelligence developing score in integrated learning at class.


Emotional; school; teacher

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