Waste Potential Analysis As a Source Of Electrical Power Plant And Creative Product To Support Tourism (Case Study in Kepulauan Seribu)

Resa Taruna Suhada, Indra Al-Mahdy


Waste can be used for energy sources from waste gas or composting. Energy can also be obtained from burning waste that can not be processed by incineration for power plants (PLTSa). Besides, garbage can also be used for the manufacture of creative products such as bags, bags or wallets from used coffee wrappers or also the use of waste paper for the manufacture of containers and invitations or paper ornamental paper. The waste in the Kepulauan Seribu is numerous and consists of two types of garbage: household and industrial waste and waste from the sea. Considering the condition of garbage in Kepulauan Seribu it needs to be analyzed about the potential of garbage as the fuel of garbage power plant and creative product to support tourism in Kepulauan Seribu District Administration. The steps taken are calculating the volume and types of waste in the Kepulauan Seribu, then calculating the energy owned by garbage and calculating the economic potential for the creative product from the waste. After that it will analyze energy potential and economic potential of waste. The final result of this research is expected to know the potential of garbage for the fuel of garbage power plants and creative products.


Waste, Waste Energy Potential, Wasted Economic Potential

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