The Overview of Employee Management in Medical Record Division toward Employee Performance at Bina Kasih Pekanbaru Hospital

Tri Purnama Sari, Haryani Octaria, Zulfadli Hamzah


The management function of POACE (Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling, and Evaluation) is a system which cannot be separated from hospital management. Therefore, the whole division or unit in hospital should apply the management function itself particularly in medical record division. However, the issue appears on this research is the employee of medical record at Bina Kasih Pekanbaru Hospital conduct a double job or extra work, so that, the employee of medical record cannot focused in carry out their duty and pileup of medical records file in assembling activities. This research aim to know about the employee management in medical records division toward employee performance at Bina Kasih Pekanbaru Hospital. This research employs qualitative method and analyzed the data by inductively. Data collected by observation and in-depth interview to seven informants. The result of this research found that the employee management in medical record division does not run as expected, in which the human resource planning has not been met optimally, the organizing still using duplicate work (double job), the implementation is not accordance with SOP, the controlling and evaluation has already quite well by conducting customer satisfaction survey. Suggestion, the management of Bina Kasih Pekanbaru Hospital should increase their number of employee in medical records division, conduct training and control and evaluate their performance continuously and sustainably.


Employee Management; Planning; Organizing; Actuating; Controlling; Evaluation

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