Fairness of Performance Evaluation Procedure on Job Performance; The Model of Outcome and Non-Outcome Based Effects

Suyanto Suyanto


This study was carried out to analyze the fairness of performance evaluation procedure on job performance. In particular, the study examined the following models: (1) the direct and indirect effects of procedural fairness on job performance through outcome based effect (distributive fairness); and (2) direct and indirect effects of procedural fairness on job performance through non-outcome based effect (organizational commitment and job satisfaction). The study applied a survey method with the survey subject of regent and municipal civil servants of Lampung Province. Samples determination was based on a purposive sampling technique. The study collected 204 respondents, consisting of structural officers of Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD) with service term at least one year at their office. Analysis on the data used a Structural Equation Model (SEM) operated under AMOS application program. Results of the study concluded as the followings: a direct effect of fairness of performance evaluation procedure on distributive fairness, organizational commitment, job satisfaction. Such condition affected job performance. However, the direct effect of fairness performance evaluation procedure on job performance proved insignificant. The results also showed an indirect effect fairness of performance evaluation procedure on job performance through non-outcome based effect (organizational commitment and job satisfaction), but indirect effect through outcome based effect (distributive fairness) proved insignificant.


procedural fairness; distributive; commitment; satisfaction; job performance.

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