The Role of Consumer Personality and Social Influence as Antecedents of Brand Love

Akhmad Farhan


This study extends prior research on brand love by investigating other potential antecedents such as consumer personality and social
influence. This study seeks to extend earlier findings with respect to the consequences of brand love by including three outcome variables:
brand loyalty, willingness to pay a premium price and active engagement. An extensive review of literature was carried out to propose the
conceptual model and series of propositions that are open to empirical verification. The finding of this study is a conceptual model that
highlights the factors that can play important roles in developing brand love. It is argued that consumer personality and social influences
can significantly develop brand love. It has also been proposed that brand loyalty, willingness to pay a premium price and active
engagement are the consequences of brand love. Limitations of this research are the propositions stemming from the model have to be
tested empirically. This study is first of its kind to investigate the antecedents of brand love from two perspectives namely consumer
personality and social influence simultaneously. The idea will significantly contribute to brand love literature.


Brand Love; Consumer Personality; Social Influence; Brand Loyalty; Willingness to Pay Premium Price; Active Engagement

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