Hypnotherapy to Reduce Post-Stroke Muscle Tension in Indonesia

Tamyis Ade Rama, Muhammad Napri


Cerebrovascular disease or stroke is a group of brain dysfunctions related to disease of the blood vessels supplying the brain. According to data from the Health Research in Indonesia, pravalensi of disease according to the number of stokes in Indonesia from 2007 to 2013 tended to increase. Stroke patients is certainly abnormalities in various organ functions such as difficulty walking, and moving the hand or even difficult to speak. In addition through the process of physiological therapeutics, one that is comprehensive and holistic approach, which is through the process of hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is a therapy that is performed on patients in a hypnotic state. Even some serious medical cases such as cancer and heart attacks, hypnotherapy accelerate recovery of a patient. It is very possible because directed hypnotherapy to boost the immune system and reprogram individual attitude towards her illness. In hypnotherapy there is a progressive relaxation technique, relaxation technique that is done by focusing on the contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the body. So the therapy for post-stroke patients using hypnotherapy, especially with the use of progressive relaxation techniques, can help reduce muscle tension in patients with post-stroke.


Stroke; Hypnotherapy; Hypnosis; Progressive Relaxation

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