The Global and Local Challenges of Islamic Education in Contemporary Indonesia

Choirul Mahfud


Discussing the global and local challenges of Islamic education in contemporary Indonesia is an interesting topic and important discussion. Indonesia is one of the largest Muslim countries in the world. As we know in terms of quantity, Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia is also in a large number. In quality, indeed, it always progresses until now and next. However, it should be realized that Islamic education in Indonesia also has local and global challenges that need to be considered for existence, contribution and prospect of Islamic education in the country. Therefore, this article focuses on the following key questions: How the global challenges of Islamic education in contemporary Indonesia? How the local challenges of Islamic education in Indonesia? How are the state and civil society's response to the global and local challenges of Islamic education in contemporary Indonesia? The paper was written using qualitative data which is based on references and books, news, journals and opinions in the media and other sources that are relevant to the study of Islamic education in Indonesia. The results showed that: first, the global challenge of Islamic education in contemporary Indonesia such as globalization that impact on Islamic education. The era of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is a new face of competition that needs to be addressed by emphasizing the quality of the process output/outcome in education services. Second, the local challenges of Islamic education, including the politicization of Islamic education that need to watch together, corruption and poverty, until terrorism and radicalism. Third, the response of the state and civil society on the global and local challenges of Islamic education in contemporary Indonesia could be said to be better than before. This is evident from a number of efforts undertaken by government institutions and the community in providing the best solutions to face all challenges of it's from internal and external for the better this nation.


Challenges of Islamic Education; Globalisation; AEC; Terrorism; Radicalism

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