Social Changes in Peasant Community Due to Gold Mine

Meisanti Meisanti, Andri Tenri


The discovery of gold at the end of 2008 followed by the activity of gold mining in Bombana Regency has brought many changes for local people who mostly live by unpretentious as the peasant. This paper examines the social changes of the peasant as a result of gold mining activities by mining companies in the area around their crops. This study applied post-positivism paradigm with the qualitative approach (descriptive and explanative types). It used the case study method. Data were collected through observation and in-depth interviews on elements of a peasant community, government and mining companies. The results reveal that gold mining activities for seven years have affected the environment in which peasants grow crops and have led to social change in the peasant community. Social changes that occurred consisted of changes and large population growth, social structure changes, changes in social interaction, psychosocial impacts and changes in culture (value of money).


social change; peasant; gold mining

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