Developing Cooperation Skill (Soft Skills) Through Implementation of Cooperative Learning Method and Experiential Learning in Psychology Entrepreneurship Course

Lala Septiyani Sembiring, Yantri Maputra, Afrinaldi Afrinaldi


This study aimed to examine the improvement of student’s cooperation skill through the implementation of cooperative learning and experiential learning method in the course of Psychology Entrepreneurship. This study was conducted on 52 students. The data obtained were collected through cooperation or task cohesion scale of Forsyth (2010). Data were analyzed using the t test to see the differences instudent’s cooperation skill between before and after the cooperative learning and experiential learning method given. Test results prove that there was significant difference between the pre-test and post-test data.There was an increase of mean values (mean values before treatmentwas 2.9218, whereas after treatmentwas 3.7324). This study shows that there was a significant difference in the cooperation skill caused by the cooperative learning and experiential learning method.


Soft Skill; Cooperative Learning; Psychology Enterperunership

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