The Perception Effect of Justice, Recovery Disconfirmation, and Recovery Satisfaction to Positive Word of Mouth (In the Hotel Service)

Fakhrudin Fakhrudin, Rhian Indradewa, Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah, Diana Fajarwati


The main key of the existence service provider or hotel is a consumer service. Therefore, hotels must be able to improve good service and quality to consumers to improve a good a good relationship between service providers with consumers. A business that is engaged in hotels, especially hotels, cannot be denied that competition between business people is getting tougher. Thus, in this study aimed to obtain value from the effect of the perception customer justice perception on Positive Word of Mouth through mediators such as recovery confirmation and inconsistency between expectations for recovery performance also recovery satisfaction. Anchored within the framework of the theory of justice theory and the theory of hope disconfirmation. The result shows a restoration of confirmation over, customer satisfaction is a form of a restoration of justice with T-value received by consumers to give confidence back to consumers who feel disappointed about the services performed by service providers or hotels. Thus, the disappointment forms of experienced by consumers will recover if service providers or hotels improve their services. In addition, a consumer feels satisfied and will make good statements about the hotel.


Recovery Disconfirmation, Recovery satisfaction, Perception of fairness and Positive Word of Mouth

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