The Implementation of Marketing Mix Strategy for Medical Hazardous Waste Processing Companies During Competition Existing Companies over PT. Kelola Lingkungan Kita

Loke Fristanto, Tantri Yanuar Rahmat Syah, Rhian Indradewa, Diana Fajarwati


The increasing production of B3 medical waste produced in Indonesia has not been accompanied by the growth of B3 medical waste processing companies. There are less than 10 companies that offer B3 medical waste treatment services in Indonesia, with big names companies such as WASTEC, PLIB and Java Medivest was being the main players in this industry. In this study, we discuss the NICE (Networking, Interaction, Common Interest, Experience) concept of the marketing mix, how to operate, where the business will go, and who should be involved in PT. Kelola Lingkungan Kita, B3 medical waste processing company in Indramayu Regency, West Java, Indonesia. The implementing a marketing strategy starts with analyzing the overall situation of the company. The company must perform a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis on the company. Apart from SWOT, Segmenting, Positioning is also needed to classify the market to be targeted. In this paper, SWOT analysis can be used to understand the company's business mechanism to become a better and also competitive condition for company strength and to prevent threats.


SWOT, STP, Marketing Mix and NICE

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